Saturday, March 25, 2006

Audience Participation

You have to vote to see the results.

I was eating a bowl of shreaded wheat and saw what looked like little teensy tiny cockroaches floating in the milk, what do you think I did?
Picked them out and kept eating.
Closed my eyes and pretended that they weren't there.
Gagged, threw up and then threw the cereal away.
Gave the bowl to Bigness claiming that I wasn't hungry anymore and told him to eat it, after all we're in the 3rd world and shouldn't waste food.
Put it in the refrigerator to decide what to do later.
Convinced myself that it wasn't really cockroaches I was eating, just some exotic spice that was good for me.
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  1. YUMMMMMY! and I'm sure I have the right answer.

  2. I'll post the answer on Monday night (if I can remember to do it).

  3. Here are the results of the voting

    5 votes: 28% Picked them out and kept eating. - That is what BIgness would have done. He has the stomach of Jankro (John Crow - which is the name in creole for vulture)

    1 vote: 6% Closed my eyes and pretended that they weren't there. - all those years of being forced to eat mushy canned peas as a child was practice for this.

    3 votes: 17% Gagged, threw up and then threw the cereal away. - This is what MCS is still doing. She hasn't developed the stomach of Jankro yet.

    7 votes: 39% Gave the bowl to Bigness claiming that I wasn't hungry anymore and told him to eat it, after all we're in the 3rd world and shouldn't waste food. - do 39% of my readers really believe I'm a masochist? I only feed Bigness insects when its absolutely necessary.

    1 vote: 6% Put it in the refrigerator to decide what to do later. - have you ever done that, put something away to attend to it later, then you find it 2 weeks later all furry and throw it out which is what you should have done in the first place?

    1 vote by Lee: 6% Convinced myself that it wasn't really cockroaches I was eating, just some exotic spice that was good for me. - Yes I'm a masochist but with delusional tendencies also.

  4. Looks like Bigness definitely needs glasses!

  5. Now this is wicked, why did so many people [including me] vote that you'd give it to Bigness...? :-D

  6. I don't know GG, I figured you all would think I fed him spiders. I think with Bigness its a combination of eyesite, and not paying attention, or caring. I actually label containers in the refridge John Crow - which means no one should eat this (weird/nasty/slightly spoiled) stuff except for Bigness. And he gets pissed off when I throw food away. He says stuff like: "You Americans love to waste ting" and then I get a lecture.

  7. I've had to start ripping up bad prints of my art, slightly discolored or off, before throwing them in the trash, because he was picking them out and giving them to his friends. If a print doesn't reproduce right, I can't sign it and sell it.
