Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Forces of Nature

Something strange happens, every time I go out on a sunset wedding cruise. No matter how sedate, sophisticated, and conservative the evening starts out, the groom and the best man ALWAYS get nekked and jump in the sea. Lower the boom man! Well, for now you can keep it right there, not everyone wants to see your peepee. Forces of nature, add to it a couple of cases of beer and the fact that They is on Baycayshun make the primevil urge irrisistable. I would NEVER nekked myself in front of strangers! NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER! Somehow women never feel the urge, or even hear the call. I wonder why? Could it be sanity?


  1. You are soo right....I've been on that boat, many more times than once. When I have to pee, and I do after several beers...I take the bucket...make the men look the other way, which they mostly do, pee in the bucket and then "flush" into the sea. That what "lady-like" drunken sailors do.

  2. Wimmen don't make fools of themselves that easily, maybe.

    I wonder how the men feel after...haha

  3. I think the wimmin-folk are just worried that they aren't pretty enough to be nekkid in teh water. Truth be told though, most men would admire a women with the intestinal fortitude to strip down and leap in.

  4. oh this is a GEM!!!!

    i bet european guys are the most notorious for this...
