Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ettikit Lessin

I'm at the internet cafe because our connection at home isn't working again, and again and again, The little boy who sells the salty popcorn on the street after school came into the cafe and very politely went around selling his wares. He's such a sweet little boy, so polite, (I dont' know his name, we just call him the little popcorn boy) We always buy from him no matter what, the plastic bags are evenly packed in clean packets tied at the top displayed in a clean plastic tub. So of course I'm going to get my afternoon snack, and of course its too tempting to wait until I get home to much it down. And of course I'm using my fingers to eat it with, the fingers that have been touching the public keyboard, and of course this keyboard wasn't just doused in bleach water right before I started using it. Munch munch munch. I'm so grossed out at what I did. I hope I don't get gangrene. Its the oral transmission of disease again....

So here's the ettikit lesson. Its NOT O.K. (IN PUBLIC) to fish the popcorn out, that has dropped down into my bra and is hanging around the underwire. Ladies, you ALL know we do it, its like the balls scratching thing that guys do. And we know THAT'S JUST WRONG.

I think I'll leave it for a midnight snack. But first I'll wash my hands.


Anonymous said...

I love that kid! I called him "Popcorn boy" , too and bought from him everyday. On our last day, we were sitting in the Ocean Side playing backgammon with OJ and he came in. I ended up buying him a Coke and watched the basketball game with him while the men finished up their game, which of course, OJ won. A sweet child. MB

Islagringo said...

Gial, where you at? We miss your postings!

zoe said...

i'm always fishing things from out of my bra. dirty socks (not mine), various bits of food, money (small change) - you name it. it's embarrassing, isn't it ?

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming you're having internet troubles.

Just want you to know I miss your posts.