Sunday, May 06, 2007

I Just Don't Get it

White people with dread locks. Explain it to me.


Islagringo said...

If you find the answer, let me know! And while you're at it, maybe find out why boys think that wearing jeans down around their knees looks good too.

Anonymous said...

Wait, Wait! I saw this on one of those make-over shows!! The example there was a white college girl who had dread locks. When she graduated and COULDN'T GET A JOB in her chosen field, she decided that it was time to GROW-UP and start paying back her student loans...she said that she grew dreads in the first place because she wanted to "show her individualism" ....and I guess she liked pot to why boys do anything...the answer is because they THINK girls will like it. MB

Caribbean Colors Belize said...

Ugh, I hate the whole pants-under-your-ass style which if you look back has been in style for abot 10 years. Here on Caye Caulker the boys play basketball one-handed, the other hand is used to keep their pants up. Its really funny looking and they think they are so cooooool.

Maybe the dreadlock thing is really a phobia, like being a combaphobe.

Anonymous said...

The hanging pants thing is to emulate street "heroes" who are in prison: they aren't allowed to have belts, and lots of them lose weight in prison, so their big ole pants start hanging low. That's why kids stumble around with no shoelaces on their shoes, too: can't have a belt or shoelace on the inside, you might use it for badness.

MJ said...

the pants around your ass thing is Lemming behavior..can not think an independant thought, The white dread thing may be one of those things you need to do to show just how misunderstood and complex you really are. Although I saw a white woman on an island once with dreads and I definately got the idea it was more than just a fashion trend. Also when you are a middle class white person and travel to Jamaica with dreadlets you may get some coupons or a discount